A gift for romance

Today is February 14, Lovers Day. So on this day, that comes close to a month before spring, the chances to find a partner / en of life are great. But when you decide to buy a gift, then careful what you buy.

On Valentine's Day, women seeking romance and romance only.

Forget asking what method you want it. "Women feel that if they have to look for something, it does not count as a gift," says psychologist Karen Sherman. The first thing you should know when you choose Valentine's Day gift is that they need to buy something she likes, she will not buy themselves. "And romance is romance, it has to do with car parts. Translation: do not buy something that i have, but something you would like to have," she says.


If you are at the beginning of the relationship, chocolate can be good, but this only applies if you do not know enough to each other. Just make sure to find the type that she likes more. Here's how you can do this: the next time you are together can log into a store and buy a chocolate. Keep in mind what she chooses.


If you have been together for more than 6 months, may be tempted to buy her lingerie in this stage of the relationship, but it would be a big step backwards. No matter how good it will look on them, you will become selfish. Instead, you can buy champagne colored roses. They are sex and romantic at the same time.


If you have about a year to meet, you can donate her a robe and say that in this way will always feel you about yourself. "This is a thing emotionally and rehatuese, not something sexual" Sherman explains.


If you are in a serious relationship, it would be the best gift possible. The passage of a few days together, and away from all the others will help you to relax together and get another one at your link.

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